About Us

Mission and Values
Get InvolvedSupport Camps
Est. 2012

Love Truth Christ Sport

Our Values

We love others because we know the truth of Christ’s love for us.
We reserve the right to share Christ’s love to others.
All youth have value and deserve an opportunity to pursue their full potential.
Leadership starts now. Positively influencing others can happen at any age.
Athletics are our primary vehicle because it provides a holistic approach to development.

What Drives Us

Our Mission

AGAITAS uses sports to Share Christ. We exist to use athletics to provide opportunities for leadership, personal development, and real life change through Christ.

Sports Camps

Pop Up Camps

Support Camps

Frequently Asked


Is it really free?

Yes! All of our AGAITAS camps are absolutely free.

Why is it free?

Our camps started for two reasons:

  • We love Christ.
  • We play sports.

We wanted to be able to use a passion that Christ gave us (sports) to impact people for HIS Kingdom. The camps are free to make sure there’s nothing in the way of telling people about Christ.

What sports do you offer?

We currently offer soccerbaseball, pickleball, golf, cross country, and basketball.

How do we sign up for AGAITAS camps?

You are in the right spot! Registration is done through our site. Click here.

How will we know when camp registration is open?

When registration opens, we let people know through our newsletter. You can sign up for that at the bottom of this page.  We will also post Camp Registration links on our social media pages.

What is your camp schedule?

For the most up-to-date schedule, please visit our calendar page.

What is the spiritual aspect of the camps?
  • Each day, camp directors and guest speakers talk to all of our campers about Christ’s love.
  • We believe that one of the biggest spiritual parts of our camp is how we love and care about each individual who gets involved—campers, counselors, or volunteers.
What is the leadership aspect of the camps?

We have guest speakers come in from the community to talk about real-world leadership.

We make Leadership Challenges for our high school and middle school soccer camp counselors to teach them how to be leaders. Examples of these challenges include:

        • Get down on one knee and have a conversation with a camper.
        • Walk a camper out to meet their parents and tell them something great about their child
        • Learn the names of five campers and the schools they go to.

    We put middle school and high school students alongside community members who want to invest and place them in charge of small groups of elementary school students. In this way, adult volunteers influence student volunteers, and student volunteers influence campers.

My child has food allergies. How will you monitor that?

On the registration form, we ask if your child has any food allergies. If so, we will provide your child with a certain color bracelet when they attend camp. This will serve as a reminder to all camp staff to double check with the child before any food and/or drinks are served.

My child has a medical condition. How will you monitor that?

On the registration form, we ask if your child has any medical conditions that we should know about. If so, we will provide your child with a certain color bracelet when they attend camp. This will serve as a reminder to all camp staff that if anything happens, they should notify the Camp Director ASAP.

We have campers come with inhalers and other campers who have provided us with an epi-pen for a potential emergency.

My child has a medical condition. How will you monitor that?

On the registration form, we ask if your child has any medical conditions that we should know about. If so, we will provide your child with a certain color bracelet when they attend camp. This will serve as a reminder to all camp staff that if anything happens, they should notify the Camp Director ASAP.

We have campers come with inhalers and other campers who have provided us with an epi-pen for a potential emergency.

What happens if there is bad weather?

If there is bad weather that forces us to cancel camp, we will post it on our social media pages and email parents letting them know where to pick up their kids.

I’m interested in helping out. What can I do?

We are always in need of volunteers! You can see a list of our needs by going to the Volunteer tab or simply by clicking here.

What level of athlete do you need to be to attend?

We have all levels of campers attending AGAITAS camps. Some kids have never played the sport before, and other kids have experience playing on club teams. Your child doesn’t have to be an expert to sign up!

We want to:

  • Provide kids with a fun opportunity.
  • Offer a safe environment to try/learn something new.
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