Futsal Tournament Rules of Play

The game is played with 5 players on the court per team, including a goalkeeper (4 field players on the court plus 1 goalie). You must have 3 players present to start the game. Shin guards are

Players can only play on one team.

Players will play in the division of their oldest player.

Teams may have a min of 5 players and a max of 10 players on their roster.

All players must wear jerseys/shirts during play and each team must bring both a light and dark colored jersey/shirt. If necessary we will give out pennies.

Two coaches are allowed in the coach’s area.

All players must be on the roster upon check in. Players may not be added to the roster after the first game.

Substitutions will be made at any dead ball. Subbing is unlimited.

At the start of each match the referee will call for captains and have a coin toss. Captains will have the choice of the side or ball to start the half. Teams will NOT switch sides at halftime.

Each team has one thirty second timeout per game.

PENALTY/GOAL KEEPER ARC: This arc is the circular arc area around both goals that extends to the endline. The keeper may use his hands anywhere inside the arc. Any fouls or handballs committed by the defensive team in this area will award a penalty kick to the offensive team.

During the kickoff, the opposing team shall be no less than 5 yards from the ball until it is kicked off and in play. All kickoffs are indirect. A goal can be scored directly from a kick-off if touched a 2nd time after the initial kick. A kickoff takes place from midfield to start both halves and after every goal is scored. The ball may go forwards or backwards on kickoffs. All players must be on his/her half during a kickoff.

The ball must be fully across the line to be out of play or to count as a goal. The referee has final say on all judgment calls. The ball is considered out and a free kick is awarded to the apposing team at the necessary spot if it hits the ceiling. All free kicks are direct kicks except for out of bounds kick ins and kickoffs from midfield. A goal can be scored from either half by any player including the goalie.

When the ball goes out along either the touchline (sideline), the team awarded the kick gets a kick-in from the spot the ball left the playing field. The ball should be placed on the line for the kick fully stopped and the defending team must give the kicker 5 yards. You have 6 seconds to take the kick (referee will give a visual count with his arm). No goals can be scored directly from a kick-in on the sideline. The kicker cannot touch the ball a second time until after the ball is played/touched by a teammate or opponent.

No slide tackling allowed.
(You may slide to make a play on the ball if it doesn’t endanger an opponent). All free kicks apart from the kickoff and out of bounds restarts are direct. All free kicks inside the field of play must be taken within 8 seconds from ball spotted from the foul otherwise a direct free kick will be awarded to the opposing team. Five yards must be given by the defense. If a player of the opposing team encroaches within 5 yards of the ball, (a card may be given) the free kick will be retaken.

After receiving possession of the ball during live play the keeper may throw the ball or roll the ball with their hands or put the ball down and play it with their feet.

They may not punt the ball out of the air and no drop kicks.

Instead of goal kicks the ball starts from the goalies hands. On these plays the keeper must throw or roll the ball with their hands.

The keeper can never pick up the ball with his hands when intentionally passed to them by a teammate, including from a kick-in. This goalkeeping foul would also result in a free kick to the opposing team from the 2nd penalty spot.

If the keeper has possession of the ball in their hands they may possess the ball for no more than six seconds. This foul also results in a kick from the 2nd penalty spot.

All goalie throws are direct, and will be counted as a goal if scored.

If a yellow card is given the player’s team receiving the yellow
card will play short for 2 minutes. The referee is to stop the clock after giving a card and start it on his whistle so that both teams know what time the penalty time starts at. The player receiving the card cannot play for 2 minutes.

If there is a red card given, the player is out for the game and the player’s team receiving the red card will play short for 5 minutes.

Two yellow cards in a game equal one red. If a player receives a red card they must sit out the next match.

If a team receives two red cards in a game both players are out and they must play a man down for the remainder of the match. After a goal is scored the penalty time is nullified and the team can return to full strength on a yellow or red card unless two red cards have been given to the same team (in this instance the team plays one man down for the duration of the match).

Any fighting / punches / kicks that player will be ejected for the remained of the tournament. If multiple players are involved, multiple players will be ejected.

Taken from the PK spot at the top of the penalty area. Any fouls or hand balls committed inside the penalty arc by the defensive team will award a PK to the offensive team. All players, other than the kicker and goalkeeper, must stay outside the penalty arc until the ball is played. The goalkeeper must be on the goal line and between the goal posts until the ball is struck. The ball is live if it rebounds into play off of the keeper or the goal.

There is no offside’s

No goal kicks. The ball starts from the goalies hands. This is a direct throw and counts as a goal if the goalie throws it into
an opponent’s goal at any time as long as it is thrown inside the arc by the keeper.

Just like outdoor soccer. A corner kick is awarded when the ball goes over the end line and was last touched by the defending team. You have 6 seconds to take the corner kick once the ball is placed on the corner spot. Otherwise a goal kick will be awarded to the opposing team. The defending team must give 5 yards for the kick. Goals can be scored directly from a corner kick. This is the only sideline kick that is direct.

The game will be 25 minutes in length. The clock will run unless needed to be stopped for an injury, or referee blows play dead/timeout.

Teams will receive 3 points for a win, and one point for a tie. Tiebreaking procedures for standings/playoff seeding are as follows: (1) Head to Head games. (2) Least Goals Allowed. (3) Total Goal Differential. (4) Total Goals Scored. (5) Coin Flip.

When in play (live) a goal can be scored from either half of the field.

Games that end tied after regulation during Group play will finish as a tie. During the Playoffs, if after regulation time a match is tied, the teams will compete in a 5- minute sudden death “golden goal” overtime period. A coin toss will decide the kick-off and direction. The first team to score in overtime is the winner. If no team has scored in the first five- minute overtime period, one additional 5-minute overtime period will be played, teams switch sides. If after two (2) 5-minute overtime periods the match is still tied, the teams will compete in a sudden death penalty kick shootout, 3 shots (up to 6 players picked to kick if extra kicks are needed).

The opponent of a forfeiting team will be granted a 5-0 victory. The forfeiting team will be granted a 0-5 loss. Teams must have (3) players with full uniform and equipment on to begin the match, subject to the discretion of the tournament director.